Nov 10 What Stole My Attention This Week

TikTok Shop is expanding

TikTok Shop Just Can’t Stop

As they continue to push against Amazon, TikTok is looking to to “forge partnerships with retailers to do deliveries to support perishable products” said Mike Westgate, head of home, living and retail for TikTok Shop U.S.

Speaking at the eComm Fronts, Westgate also noted that they are "aggressively" exploring how to allow users to buy digital products and professional services based on related videos they are watching. 

So far, TikTok Shop has only been open to DTC companies that are capable of handling their own fulfillment.

None of it is surprising and all of it continues to position TikTok as it's own self-contained ecosystem.

Read the full Ad Age article 

Are You Overpaying Your Influencers?

CreatorIQ polled 225 organizations, asking how much they pay on average for Instagram influencers of various follower counts for a single post. Isn't it always nice to have a budget reference? 

For Instagram influencers with 100,000 to 300,000 followers:

• $500-$2,500—the range cited by 36% of those surveyed
• $2,500-$10,000—the range cited by 31% of those surveyed

300,000 to 1 million followers:

• $2,500-$10,000—the range cited by 23% of those surveyed
• $10,000-$50,000—the range cited by 31% of those surveyed

More than 1 million followers:

• $10,000-$50,000—the range cited by 31% of those surveyed
• $50,000-$100,000—the range cited by 21% of those surveyed

Read the full report from Creator IQ

VOGUE & SHEIN (Ironically) Talk Sustainability

Vogue Business hosted me for a breakfast over the topic of sustainability. The head of strategy for SHEIN - identified by many as the most popular fashion brand in the world - was a featured panelist. Earlier this year, TIME Magazine noted that "several reports over the last year reveal the company’s shocking track record of human rights violations and an environmentally-unsustainable model." My key takeaway - most sustainability conversations focus on pre-market. What brands should be considering is the after-market, no longer reserved for auto. For example, many Gen Zers gift their clothing within their friend group when they are finished with it. How can brands be encouraging that circular behavior through offering repairs or deep cleaning? 

As brands are deep in 2024 planning - have you noted what your stance is on sustainability?

The best sneaker releases of the week

Is the Hollywood strike really over this time? Policy on AI and streaming services were the final sticking points. 

Feel-good social follow of the week

Meet Cutes NYC on Instagram


Nov 17 What Stole My Attention This Week